Making a booking

Telephone us on 01323 431336 to enquire about the availability of the Centre. If we are unavailable please leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

or write to: The St Anthony's Centre, 557a Seaside, Eastbourne, BN23 6NH

If the Centre is available for your chosen date – we will provisionally book the Centre for you over the phone.

We can hold this provisional booking for up to one week. To ensure your booking however, you must return a completed booking form and deposit to us within the week. We will send the booking form and conditions to you.

Payment in full is required two weeks before the actual event, along with any damage deposit we might request.

A few days before your booked event, you will need to visit the Centre in order to pick up a key and discuss access and lockup.

You then enjoy the facilities that you've hired, as your event is bound to be a success!

Booking restrictions :

  • The premises do not have a licence for the supply or sale of alcohol.
  • The building is a 'NO SMOKING' venue.
  • We are not able to accept room bookings from Health & Fitness groups.  
Address : 557a Seaside, Eastbourne, BN23 6NH
Phone : 01323 431336
Email :