Our Core Values

Blue core values

Our 7 Core Values are the definition of what enables us to relate together. 

These are applicable to everything we do as Community Church.

Central and fundamental to all that we try to do should be that our 'Lives are devoted to God'. Unless we have Jesus as Lord of our lives we are wasting our time trying to do other things.

We try to share friendship and fellowship with each other as often as we can. A lot of us live in the local area and have interaction and contact with each other on a regular basis. Fellowship & Community living is central to what we are about as people.

We want to see our local community come into a relationship with Jesus Christ. That's our purpose -  'our community for God'.

Just meeting together is not enough, we must be able to relate and grow together 'organically' not just as nodding acquaintances. We want to show the communities in which we live something of God's love as we love and care for each other. 'A growing relational church' is a demonstration of kingdom values.

Just as a human body is totally united and 'together', so that should be with our local fellowship. We should let nothing destroy or damage that unity we share. This is also reflected in our commitment to meet and have fellowship with other churches in the area. We are called to be a 'body' not pieces of a body.

Giving is not just of our money and finance but also our energy and time and willingness to take responsibility within the life of the fellowship.

If we have our foundational principles in order we can reach out to those not yet Christians and demonstrate God's love in an attractive real way. We are still learning how to work with those in severe physical, relational and material need. God has been good to us over the past years with a number of local people coming to faith in Jesus Christ.

Our Statement of Faith We believe in:
  1. The full inspiration of the Bible as the Word of God The Trinity.
  2. There is one God, but three persons; God the Father, God the Son; God the Holy Spirit
  3. The sinfulness of all men and therefore the need for all men to be born again and thus saved.
  4. The Lord Jesus Christ. Always existed as a person in the Godhead. Born of a virgin and became fully man. Lived a sinless life. Died for our sins on the cross. Rose from the dead and ascended to heaven.
  5. The forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ Jesus
  6. The Holy Spirit who brings a person to faith in Christ, and who equips the believer for works of service.
  7. The Church which comprises of believers throughout the world, but also has numerous local expressions.
  8. Water baptism for believers
  9. Celebrating the Lord's Supper
  10. The triumphal return of Jesus Christ
  11. Final judgement - Heaven & Hell

Core Objectives

Community Church have 3 core objectives

1a. As a gathered Congregation our objective will be:

That every person in the Bridgemere area of:

Bridgemere Rd, Astaire Ave, Willard Close, Filder Close, Mortimer Rd, Badlesmere Rd, Homewood Close, Horsye Rd, Collier Close, Churchdale Rd, Brydges Close, Ringwood Rd, Bowood Ave, Kinfauns Ave, Marlow Ave, Harding Ave, Hunloke Ave, Moy Ave, Brookmead Close, Ringwood Close, Roselands Ave, St Phillips Ave, Annington Road, Woodgate Road, and Whitley Road

And every person in the St Anthony's area of:

Anderida Court, Anson Close, Ascue Close, Aylesbury Avenue, Beatty Road, Benbow Avenue, Blares Way, Buscowan Close, Cabot Close, Cochrane Close, Cullingwood Close, Columbus Drive, Cook Avenue, Curnwallis Close, Cunningham Drive, Delavaac Walk, Drake Avenue, Fisher Close, Foley Close, Fraser Avenue, Frobisher Close, Gardner Close, Hardy Drive, Harwood Close, Hood Close, Jellicue Close, Jerrvis Avenue, Keith Walk, Kingford Flats, Leeds Avenue, Magellan Way, Manton Court, Middleton Drive, Mountbatton Drive, Nelson Drive, Paclister Drive, Peyton Close, Pound Close, Princes Road,Queens Crescent, and Queens Court,

hear and understand the message of Jesus and have the opportunity to accept or reject the Lord. This area will be the focus of the work and mission we undertake as a congregation.

1b. Also as individual Christians, living, working & socialising in a variety of places in Eastbourne and the surrounding area, our objective will be that those we relate to in these situations, hear and understand the message of Jesus and have the opportunity to accept or reject the Lord. This will be through our personal witness.

We recognise that we are ‘church’ when we gather corporately and as individuals in a variety of situations and places.

Each of us committed to Community Church will share a common DNA which identifies us as having a common purpose and passion for living for God. 

This DNA will be evidenced through seven core values :

Our Core values are

a)  Lives devoted to God
b)  Fellowship & community living
c)  Our community for God
d)  Growing relational church
e)  Unity
f)  Giving
g)  Embracing the least & the lost

We see these seven core values of our church life supporting each other:

”From him (Jesus) the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament,  grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians chapter 4 verse 16

2. As a Church we will identify, train, equip and send out church planters.

3.  We will actively engage in local, national & international mission established through relationship and backed by prayer and financial support.

Footnote :  As a church we welcome people from any part of Eastbourne and the surrounding area.  However we do expect you to share and actively participate in achieving our corporate vision for our local communities.  Alongside this, we aim to equip, and encourage everyone to live out their faith in the local situation in which God has placed them - whether this is another part of the town, the place you socialise, your place of work or family situation.