Booking conditions

We trust that your use of the Centre will be enjoyable. The booking conditions are in place to ensure no misunderstanding or problem occurs.
  1. CHARGES - the hourly rate is £20 and the minimum hire period is 2 hours. Reduced rates are available for longer hire periods and regular bookings. Please ask for details.
  2. BOOKINGS will not be deemed complete until the hirer has received written confirmation following receipt of the booking form, and full payment of the booking fee within 7 days of the initial enquiry.
  3. PERFORMING RIGHT SOCIETY LICENCE. From 1st January 2002 all bookings that utilise recorded music of any kind will be subject to a charge of £1.00 to cover the expense of the charity’s PRS Licence.
  4. PAYMENT OF BOOKING FEE: To be made direct to The Bridgemere Centre Bank Account:
    Sort Code 30-92-86 
    Account Number 00962387
  5. CANCELLATION NOTICE  21 days notice must be given if you wish to cancel your booking.  If you do not give 21 days notice, the booking fee will be non-refundable.
  6. BAR FACILITIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE. Alcohol must not be brought into the building without the written permission of the Centre Management.
  7. CARS must be parked in the marked out spaces provided. Cars must not be parked on the hatched area. This is required for emergency access.
  8. RUBBISH must be bagged up and can then be emptied in to the on site skip at a cost of £2 per booking.
  9. NOISE should be kept to a minimum when leaving the Centre car park. Complaints received from neighbours or the police will influence future bookings. Please respect the homes that surround the Centre by ensuring that any music played is at an acceptable level, particularly in the case of live bands. Noise levels will be monitored.
  10.  EQUIPMENT The Centre does not provide tea-towels, crockery/cutlery.
  11.  DAMAGE The Management Committee reserve the right to charge a damage deposit for every party booking at their discretion.  In the event of the Centre being damaged the costs of this will be taken from the damage deposit.  If the costs incurred are more than the deposit paid the hirer will be charged accordingly.  If no damage is caused the deposit will be returned when the keys are returned to the office during normal opening hours.
  12. MIDNIGHT is the closing time of the Centre. Any music, or other loud noise, must cease at 11pm in accordance with noise nuisance laws. Groups should be clear of the building and car park 12am. This is to ensure The Centre acts as a good neighbour.
  13. PROPERTY, valuables, vehicles etc taken to the Centre are the responsibility of the owners. Any personal items left at the Centre will be disposed of after 1 week.
  14. SMOKING, the Centre is a no smoking area, this includes e-cigarettes.
  15. CLEANING. There will be a charge of £10.00, for every booking, to cover cleaning/sanitising costs after your event.
  16. The Management have the right to refuse a booking without giving a reason.

 Please read these booking conditions carefully before making a booking

We reserve the right to amend these booking conditions without notice

Please note
Payment must be made in full before a key will be released for access.
Please ask if we can help you in any way with the booking

100 Bridgemere Road, Eastbourne BN22 8TY
Centre Manager, 02/02/2005